
What's your take on the Edmonton Real Estate market?

It boomed.

Now is it busting?

Is this just a temporary lull?

I personally think it's good it's slowed down because things were getting ridiculous for a while there. But I think it's only a temporary lull. Come February, it'll be smokin again, and everyone will be saying "Why didnt we buy during the lull?!?"



Kevin Kossowan said...

Well if the duplex for sale in our neighborhood is any indication, the market's in correction mode, as opposed to lull.

We drove by it earlier in the week, and it's got the price tag on the sign. Few days later, still on the market, price dropped by $10,000. No 'sold' sign yet.

I'm no expert, but as far as I can tell, real estate markets move slowly, so if this downer has hit, it's not likely gonna be for a quarter.

Holden said...

I think correction mode is a good way of putting it. I like that.

Historically you're right on real estate moving slowly. And it all averages out over time... but the last 2-3 years was INSANE. I think we're going to see some "corrections" and then come the New Year, people will be ready to spend again...

We'll see. The whole Loonie thing is still playing out...

At any rate, I don't care what the market does on a personal level, I just like to see excitement happening in the local economy. Gives us all something to talk about besides the weather. :)

It is cool to finally see this happening though - was it this summer we were chatting about when it's got to "come down"?